Are Tinted Windshields Legal in Texas? | Texas Windshield Tint Laws

Are Tinted Windshields Legal in Texas?

As a law enthusiast, the topic of tinted windshields in Texas has always intrigued me. Law tinted windshields complex, many factors consider legality tinted windshields Texas.

Understanding Texas Tinting Laws

In Texas, law tinted windshields outlined Texas Transportation Code, specifically §547.613. According law, illegal windshield light transmission less 25%. Means windshield allow 25% light pass considered legal.

Case Studies

In recent case study Texas Department Public Safety, found 40% vehicles road Texas illegal window tint. Statistic concerning, indicates many unknowingly violating law.

Consequences of Illegal Tinted Windshields

Drivers who are found to have illegal tinted windshields in Texas can face consequences such as fines and penalties. For example, a first-time offense for illegal window tint can result in a fine of up to $200.

Exceptions Law

There exceptions tinting laws Texas. Example, individuals medical condition requires shielded sun exempt tinting laws. However, it is important for individuals to obtain a medical exemption certificate in order to legally have tinted windshields in Texas.

As a law enthusiast, I find the topic of tinted windshields in Texas to be both fascinating and important. Crucial drivers familiarize laws tinted windshields order avoid potential consequences. By understanding the legal requirements and exceptions, individuals can ensure that they are in compliance with Texas tinting laws.


  • Texas Transportation Code §547.613
  • Texas Department Public Safety

Got questions about tinted windshields in Texas?

1. Are Are Tinted Windshields Legal in Texas?Yes, tinted windshields are legal in Texas as long as they meet certain requirements.
2. What are the requirements for tinted windshields in Texas?In Texas, the law requires that the windshield may have a non-reflective tint along the top 5 inches. The front side windows must allow over 25% light transmission, while the back side and rear windows must allow over 25% light transmission. Additionally, the law prohibits any red, amber, or blue colors in the tint.
3. Can I have a tinted windshield if I have a medical condition that requires it?Yes, Texas law allows for medical exemptions for window tint. However, you must obtain a permit from the Department of Public Safety to have such a tint.
4. What are the penalties for illegal tinted windshields in Texas?Violating the tinted window laws in Texas can result in a fine of up to $200.
5. Do need sticker documentation tinted windshield Texas?No, required specific sticker documentation tinted windshield Texas. However, medical exemption, must carry permit vehicle.
6. Can I use after-market tint film on my windshield in Texas?Yes, you can use after-market tint film on your windshield as long as it meets the state`s requirements for light transmission and colors.
7. What if I move to Texas with a vehicle that has illegal tinted windshields?If move Texas vehicle illegal tinted windshields, need remove replace tint comply Texas laws.
8. Can I get a ticket for having illegal tinted windshields in Texas?Yes, law enforcement officers can issue a ticket if they determine that your tinted windshields do not comply with Texas laws.
9. Are there any exceptions to the tinted windshield laws in Texas?Aside medical exemption, exceptions tinted windshield laws Texas.
10. Can I challenge a ticket for illegal tinted windshields in Texas?Yes, you have the right to challenge a ticket for illegal tinted windshields in Texas. Advisable seek legal counsel understand options rights situation.

Legal Contract: The Legality of Tinted Windshields in Texas

It is important to understand the legal implications of tinted windshields in the state of Texas. This contract outlines the laws and regulations pertaining to the use of tinted windshields and seeks to clarify any confusion or misconceptions surrounding this issue.

Article 1: Scope Agreement
This legal contract pertains to the use of tinted windshields in the state of Texas and aims to provide a clear understanding of the laws and regulations governing this practice.
Article 2: Legal Background
Under Texas law, the use of tinted windshields is subject to specific regulations outlined in the Texas Transportation Code, Section 547.613. This section details the permissible levels of light transmission for windshields and the restrictions on the use of tinted materials.
Article 3: Compliance Regulations
All parties involved in the use, installation, or enforcement of tinted windshields in Texas must comply with the regulations set forth by the Texas Transportation Code. Failure to adhere to these regulations may result in legal consequences and penalties.
Article 4: Enforcement Dispute Resolution
In the event of a dispute or legal action related to the use of tinted windshields in Texas, all parties agree to adhere to the legal procedures and dispute resolution mechanisms outlined in the Texas legal system.
Article 5: Governing Law
This legal contract is governed by the laws of the state of Texas and any legal proceedings arising from it shall be conducted in accordance with Texas legal practice.
Article 6: Signatures
By signing this contract, all parties acknowledge their understanding and agreement to abide by the laws and regulations governing tinted windshields in Texas.